Monday, May 25, 2009

Mission Bay!!!

Wow another day to remember! Sunday we rode from Gila Bend, Arizona to 15 miles inside the California border. We cycled a total of 145 miles in 9 hours and burned about 8300 calories! It was all desert and the temperature hit a high of 112 degrees. Needless to say, I sweated a ton! 2485 total miles cycled to date. Will ride a shorter day today and then will arrive in San Diego by Tuesday afternoon. I am really looking forward to meeting Kari and Chris at the beach. I'll be back to Gentle Dental by Friday. Looking forward to seeing everyone! Ron

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Looking Forward to a California Sunset!!

Well, it looks like Mike and I might make it to San Diego by Monday evening!! Three weeks of cycling to get from coast to coast is not bad for a couple of old guys :-)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Arizona Here We Come :-)

Buenos dias! We are starting the day in New Mexico and if everything goes as planned, we will end up close Arizona. My Spanish has improved greatly as we head across the state! As of this morning, we have cycled a total of 1881 miles in 16 days. I anticipate we will hit San Diego by next Wednesday or Thursday. I am anxious to get home to see my dogs, Bandit and Duke, and also to get back to work to see my patients and friends at Gentle Dental :-) We are still cycling on I-10 and will continue until we hit I-8, somewhere around Tuson, AZ. Then we stay on I-8 all the way to the Pacific Ocean!

Today's weather forecast calls for light rain and possible thunder showers. Hopefully it will not hinder our progress. We have had a couple of good days regarding flat tires, after having 4 flats on Sunday, 5 flat tires on Monday, we had only one flat on Tuesday and NONE yesterday! We stopped at a bike store in El Paso and bought 12 tubes and 2 patch kits, and also Mike bought a couple of "bomb-proof" tires. Our bikes are holding up quite well and we are thankful for that!

Keep the "tweets" coming as we hit the home stretch. It is great to stay connected to my friends and family! Ron

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Rain Rain Go Away...

Our Saturday forecast called for rain all day. We decided to ride anyway and made it 5 miles on I-10 in a downpour with thunder and lightening. We were rescued and spend the next several hours at a picnic area inside the trailer. After the rain stopped, we started cycling again around 3:30 pm and road until 6:00 pm, covering 54 miles for the day, burning only 3300 calories. Our total miles at the end of Saturday are 1,383 and we should reach the halfway point Sunday as long as we have decent weather and don't have any other unforseen setbacks. On a positive note, it was nice to have some cool temperatures after the storm.

Mike and I are both doing well. Our hands get the most sore, especially with all the rough roads. Looking forward to seeing the Pacific Ocean :-)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Don't Mess with Texas!

We finally made it to Texas yesterday! We've been through FL, AL, MS, LA and we've had quite an adventure along the way. For starters, the headwinds are brutal and that is all I have to say about that! We have had a few crashes (and some near crashes), lots of flat tires and have gotten lost here and there. We have endured thunder and heavy rain, bridges, debris, gravel roads, dirt roads, grass roads, bonking, being chased by a dog, very STINKY clothes and some interesting (but friendly) people. We are burning a ton of calories and eating a ton of food :-) As of yesterday, we have cycled 1095 total miles. We rode 6 hours & 45 minutes for the 1st day in TX. The you know what (the dreaded "HWs") off and on all day with a 27 mile stretch of probably 20 miles per hour straight at us!
The good news is that we are getting stronger every day and are loving every minute (well, almost every minute) of our "Epic" adventure. I appreciate everyone's tweets and blog comments. It keeps me motivated and connected to my Gentle Dental friends and family.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

It's game time!

Today we road through New Orleans 44 miles and let me just say there are some very interesting people here. After our ride we went and picked up our new driver and hopefully this one is patient and lasts more than a week. Mike and I have decided to have a contest for my Gental Dental peeps. If you can guess how many hours it takes Mike and I to ride through Texas you will win a great price of 25 blue bucks. Start your guessing!