Monday, May 25, 2009

Mission Bay!!!

Wow another day to remember! Sunday we rode from Gila Bend, Arizona to 15 miles inside the California border. We cycled a total of 145 miles in 9 hours and burned about 8300 calories! It was all desert and the temperature hit a high of 112 degrees. Needless to say, I sweated a ton! 2485 total miles cycled to date. Will ride a shorter day today and then will arrive in San Diego by Tuesday afternoon. I am really looking forward to meeting Kari and Chris at the beach. I'll be back to Gentle Dental by Friday. Looking forward to seeing everyone! Ron


  1. Hey Ron,
    Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. Ride safe, especially through the city!! Kari

  2. We have to set aside at least 15 min at our monthly meetings for "The Dr. Ron Chronicles" Have those beers and enjoy the sunset. Great Job.
    Take Care, ride safe. David, Mutsumi and Dylan.

  3. Hi Ron, Ken and Cathy MacHold here. You are inspiring. Funny, I just caught Rush Limbaugh on the radio saying that it's impossible to burning more calories through exercise; that you need to cut down on intake...he should read your blog! We'll see you soon. Question, do you have more than 1 bike that you're using? Can't wait to hear the details. Ride strong.

  4. Milla -

    So proud of you! Looking forward to seeing you, all bones and no fat! Get some rest before you head in :)

  5. Congratulations Ron! It has been a blast following your adventure. You have inspired me so much that last night I got up and got the remote myself rather than asking Debi to get it for me.
    My office has gotten evolved and we were actually cheering you as you approached the finish line.
    Again, congratulations.
    Dave Lucht

  6. Go Ron-

    I've been running farther and harder thanks to your inspiration.
    Congratulations !!!

